Product Description
There is perhaps no other period in Irish history as richly commemorated in Cork as the period 1914 - 1923. Monuments to our Past is the first book to explore how rich these layers are in Cork. It examines not just the history, but the language, structure and symbolism of commemoration . The book not only focuses on particular events and personlaitoes from the period, but also captures and maps every memorial in Cork from 1912-23. It reveals a physical imprint from the War of Independence, a bitter divide between Republicans and Free Staters, a massive under-representation of female participants, and a whitewashing of civilian deaths.
The book also examines modern attutides to Cork's role in 1916, during WW1 and to those from the county who served in the ewar, as well as controvery surrounding commemoration of RIC forces .
EACH LOCATION IS MAPPED AND PHOTOGRAPHED, with notes on context, what event or death is commemorated, how the monument is erected and in what medium etc. Each has exact geo co-ordinates also. All memorials - erected by family members, by state or military organisations are included, either at locations of deaths, or those located in graveyards.
A model example of how a book of this nature should be done.
352 pages, all photographs are in colour, with indexes, bibliography & detailed references.
The publication of this book was supported by the Commemorations Committee of Cork County Council, 2021.