Product Description
"The Ireland of the inter-war years was an island of remarkable contradictions. In spite of the highly moralistic attitude of Church and State, including an official censorship of publications, there existed a heady atmosphere of laissez-faire. Artistic life in Dublin possessed a piquancy never found before or since, accentuated during the war years when Ireland's neutrality resulted in intense social activity centred on the international embassies." "Two inseparable figures of genius dominated the artistic scene in Dublin during this period: Hilton Edwards and Micheal MacLiammoir. Both were actors of formidable range and power. Edwards was also one of the finest theatre directors in the English-speaking world; MacLiammoir also a brilliant designer and playwright. Together they founded the Gate Theatre in Dublin in 1928, where their 'discoveries' included Geraldine Fitzgerald, James Mason and Orson Welles, who made his professional debut at the Gate aged 16 and who hovered over their lives like a temperamental angel, offering MacLiammoir his finest film role as Iago to Welles' Othello." "Dogged by shortage of funds yet maintaining a salon-like existence, Hilton and Micheal were intent on the gay life in every sense. They seized every opportunity for hectic seasons on Broadway and in the West End, and bizarre tours throughout Europe and the eastern Mediterranean, eventually striking gold with MacLiammoir's world famous one-man show, The Importance of Being Oscar. The outbreak of World War II found the company literally performing before the crowned heads of Europe. Adored by the public in spite - or because - of their eccentric lifestyle, they were revered as masters of their craft among professionals. They were the first artists to be made Freemen of the City of Dublin." "The fruit of much original research - including interviews with over a hundred playwrights, actors and personal friends as well as access to previously unpublished letters and diaries - this double biography allows these two flamboyantly talented figures and their bohemian society to live again in all their precarious splendor."
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