Product Description
It was the Italians who pioneered the use of two-man human torpedoes or 'chariots', and their attacks on ships of the Royal Navy in Alexandria Harbour in 1941 caused Winston Churchill to write to the Chief of Staff's committee to enquire what was being done to emulate these daring attacks. The result was the development of British 'chariots' which were regarded as stop-gaps until the X-craft or midget submarines could be deployed.
The book is divided into five parts. The first covers the development, training, growing pains and the attempt on the Tirpitz, the second and third the Mediterranean and Norwegian operations, while the fourth deals with the coast of Fortress Europe and the Normandy Beaches. Part Five considers the special preparations for the Far East and the exploits achieved in the fight against the Japanese.
There are several appendices and an index to complete an absorbing record of a novel and important innovation in warfare.
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