Product Description
The language of cricket is as complex as the game itself--quite a statement, given that Americans are, on the whole, mystified by the sport. But now, anyone wishing to appear literate and informed in the presence of skilled batsmen can turn to The Dictionary of Cricket for an indispensable
guide to the language and the game.
Readers of this definitive and delightful mixture of history, etymology, and social comment will be able to amaze their friends with astute asides incorporating such terms as "featherbed" (a very easy-paced wicket offering no encouragement to the bowlers and providing favorable batting conditions),
"Kookaburra ball" (a hard, resilient type of cricket ball widely used in Australia), and "boot hill" (a very close fielding position in front of the wicket, such as "silly point" or "forward short leg"). Providing full and clear definitions of each item, supported by extensive and entertaining
examples of its use, The Dictionary offers coverage of historical and present day cricket terms; quotations from a wide vareity of sources, including newspapers from around the world as far back as the 18th century; technical, historical, and legal information relating to a term; and--invaluable for
recent converts--ample line drawings to illustrate key concepts, particularly those relating to rules of play or techniques.
Whether or not they know a "googly" from a "yorker," The Dictionary of Cricket will bowl over anyone with an interest in international sport and British culture.
All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a price sticker on a book, please ignore it.