Quick view Details Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X76580K Henrietta L. Moore / Feminism and Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X76335K Dale O'Leary / The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X76054K Susan Birrell / Reading Sport: Critical Essays on Power and Representation (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X75761K Mary P. Corcoran / Uncertain Ireland: A Sociological Chronicle, 2003-2004 (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X75690K Jean Aitchison / Words in the Mind:an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X91268H Hilary Tovey / A Sociology of Ireland (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X53495H Thomas Hylland Eriksen / Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Denys Thompson - Discrimination and Popular Culture ( Vintage Pelican 1966 ) MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Arcturus Classics | sku: 73075K Sigmund Freud / Dream Psychology In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind.Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology decodes the symbolism of dreams and demonstrates how the... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89298K Ian Hacking / The Social Construction of What? (Hardback) Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed. Facts, gender, quarks, reality? Is it a person? An object? An idea? A theory? Each entails a different notion of social... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89160K Hugh Brody / The Other Side of Eden : Hunter-gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (Hardback) Hugh Brody first encountered hunting peoples when he lived among the Inuit of the High Arctic, who instructed him not only how to speak but how to do and be Inuk-titut, "in the manner of an Inuk." Since then he has spent nearly three decades studying,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: VP2675 Calvin S. Hall / A Primer of Freudian Psychology (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90148K Michael Richardson / The Experience of Culture (Hardback) Over the last 20 years culture has become a key concept in intellectual disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. However, it is a notoriously difficult concept to pin down, having very different meanings in different contexts. This book... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90057K Clay Spinuzzi / Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design (Hardback) A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design. In Tracing Genres through Organizations , Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the Massage - PB Illustrated The Medium is the Massage by Mashall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, paperback reprint, published by Bantam USA. Iconic book of the 1960s counter-culture, and a key text of media and communications theory. This book went on, after multiple... MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 67049K Tom Douglas / Basic Groupwork Basic Groupwork is a simple, practical guide to the processes of groupwork. First published in 1978, but in essence it remains an accessible and friendly text for the novice practitioner.In logical sequence the book follows the progress of one... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X87477K Brian Morris / The Power of Animals - An Ethnography (Large Paperback) The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and often overlook the vast number of roles that they may play within a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: VP2047 Michael Young and Peter Willmott / Family and Kinship in East London (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: VP2046 W.G. Runciman / Social Science and Political Theory: Second Edition (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: VP2045 David J. Smith / Racial Disadvantage in Britain (Vintage Paperback) All of our Vintage books are Pre barcode the picture shown is the actual book you will receive. MSRP: Now: €4.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN785K Perry Novotny / The Immigration Bible (Coffee Table Book) This guide is a blueprint for those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to immigrate legally to the United States. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the tools to know exactly what... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN780K Trevor Smith / Migrants and Refugees - Understanding Global Issues Examines the history of immigration, explains the reasons for migration, discusses the patterns and problems of immigration, and looks at how the experiences of refugees differ from those of other immigrants. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN614K Clive Seale / Social Research Methods : A Reader (Coffee Table Book) Bringing together many of the core classic and contemporary works in social and cultural research methods, this book gives students direct access to methodological debates and examples of practical research across the qualitative/quantitative divide. The... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN577K Micheal MacGreil , Eamon O. Cuiv / Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland: Prejudice and Related Issues in Early 21st Century Ireland (Coffee Table Book) Pluralism and Diversity in Ireland' is based on a National Survey of attitudes and opinions in the Republic of Ireland in 2007-08 and marks the third book in a trilogy on the subject of prejudice and tolerance in Irish society. The current survey traces... MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 63917K Aileen Moreton-Robinson / Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism Revealing the invisible position of power and privilege in feminist practice, this accessible and provocative analysis elucidates the whiteness of Australian feminism. A pioneering work, it will overturn complacent notions of a mutual sisterhood and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X85737K Fiona Devine, S. Heath / Sociological Research Methods in Context (Large Paperback) This book seeks to introduce students to the challenges of 'real life' social research through a detailed consideration of eight recent empirical studies. Designed to complement existing introductory methods texts, it emphasises the importance of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X85635K Pete Lunn / Using Evidence to Inform Policy (Large Paperback) This unique new book systematically explores and demonstrates the potential breadth and value of the contribution that evidence can make to policy, while also highlighting its limitations. Provides a comprehensive insight into the complex... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X85150K Stephen M. Kosslyn / The Case for Mental Imagery (Large Paperback) "This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X85137K Malcolm MacLachlan / Happy Nation?: Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland (Large Paperback) The National Happiness Experiment was a pioneering text-based survey in Ireland, run over six weeks in May 2012. Designed by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, the NHE surveyed a total of 3,309 people producing some surprising findings... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X85129K Desmond Dinan / EVER CLOSER UNION? - AN INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (Large Paperback) 2nd Edition All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 61844K,62786H,62787H,62788H Lotte Hughes / The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples have long suffered from exoticization. Outsiders elevate their beauty, remoteness and difference and do not see beyond this to the real problems they face. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples looks beyond the exotic images,... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 61815K,62781H,62782H,62793H Jeremy Seabrook / The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies After nearly two centuries of industrialization, social relationships still tend to be defined by whether you are an owner, a manager or a shop-floor worker. In older but less industrialized societies, notably India, the caste system defines... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X84129K Helmuth Berking / Sociology of Giving (Hardback) We all give and receive gifts. But few of us reflect on the risks and uncertainties inherent to this form. For example, to give means to acquire power, to effect a symbolic exchange, to initiate ties and alliances, to convey social messages to others... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X83266K Robert D. Friedberg / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals: Rubrics and Rudiments (Hardback) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Busy Child Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Professionals is an essential resource for clinical child psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Since 2001, psychiatry... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X82933K Barbara Rogoff / The Cultural Nature of Human Development (Hardback) Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe community in Zaire, infants routinely use machetes with... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X82919K Barbara Rogoff / Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town (Hardback) Winner of the 2014 Maccoby Award from the American Psychological AssociationBorn with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Pérez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X78120K Susan T. Fiske / Social Cognition (Large Paperback) This is a revision of a market leader in social cognition written by two well-known and respected authors. The text is designed to provide a critical overview of the theories and methods in the newly emerging field of social cognition. The major theme of... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X77767K John Brookshire Thompson / Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X76996K Anthony P. Cohen / Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity (Large Paperback) Cohen establishes the importance of the self and argues that in order to appreciate the complexity of social formations, one must first take note of individuals awareness of themselves and as authors of social contexts and formations. All... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X76887K Catherine Kohler Riessman / Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences (Large Paperback) The research literature on narrative has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. No longer the province only of literary study, the "narrative turn" has penetrated almost every human anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and others. However,... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X76653K Jennifer Rowley / Organizing Knowlege (Large Paperback) The fourth edition of this standard student text, Organizing Knowledge, incorporates extensive revisions reflecting the increasing shift towards a networked and digital information environment, and its impact on documents, information, knowledge, users... MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view