Quick view Details sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90130K Jack D. Zipes / Ernst Bloch: The Pugnacious Philosopher of Hope (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90127K Jeffrey J. Kripal / Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90071K David Seamon / Dwelling, Place & Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90064K John Macnamara / Through the Rearview Mirror: Historical Reflections on Psychology (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90059K Jon Elster, Steven Rendall / Reason and Rationality (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90045K Daniel Chandler / Free and Equal : What Would a Fair Society Look Like? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN469K Philip Stokes / Philosophy : 100 Essential Thinkers (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: €5.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Richard Butler - The Life and World of George Santayana - PB -1960 MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details G.I Warnock - Berkeley ( Pelican Philosophy) - Vintage PB -1953 MSRP: Now: €6.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85831K Christian Metz / Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85819K Robert Bly / Iron John : A Book About Men (Large Paperback) 1990 MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85388K Mark Perryman / Altered States: Postmodernism, Politics, Culture (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X85113K Jean Vanier / Jean Vanier : Essential Writings (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: €3.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 62822H Peter Vardy / The Puzzle of Ethics MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France | sku: 60158K Alice Kaplan / French Lessons : A Memoir MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X84404K Pedro Alexis Tabensky / The Positive Function of Evil (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X84331K Jesse J. Prinz / Beyond Human Nature (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X84076K Joan Smith / Moralities - Sex, Money and Power in the 21st Century (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X83868K Richard Hoggart / The Way We Live Now : Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X83745K Anthony Kenny / The Unknown God : Agnostic Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X83419K Reuben Hersh / What Is Mathematics Really (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X79278K Simon Blackburn / Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X78632K Alan Macfarlane / Letters to Lily : On How the World Works (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X78592K Harry J. Gensler / Formal Ethics (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73162K Yi-Fu Tuan / Cosmos and Hearth In a volume that represents the culmination of his life's work in considering the relationship between culture and landscape, eminent scholar Yi-Fu Tuan argues that "cosmos" and "hearth" are two scales that anchor what it means to be fully and... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73157K Vilém Flusser / The Shape of Things This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal media critic and philosopher Vilém Flusser. It puts forward the view that our future depends on design. In a series of insightful essays on such... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73156K Louis Menand / The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas. Its members included Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, founder of modern jurisprudence; William James, the father of modern American psychology;... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73150K Wolfram Eilenberger / Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Great Decade of Philosophy The year is 1919. Walter Benjamin flees his overbearing father to scrape a living as a critic. Ludwig Wittgenstein signs away his inheritance, seeking spiritual clarity. Martin Heidegger renounces his faith and align his fortunes with Husserl's... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73137K Dave Robinson / Nietzsche and Postmodernism The entire Who's Who of postmodern thought―Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard and others, can trace their philosophical ancestry to Nietzsche's radical relativism. All of our books are second hand, and while you... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73136K George Myerson / Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone Move over e-commerce, mantra of the late 20th century... welcome in-commerce, catchword of the new millennium! Everyone remembers 'It's good to talk, the cosy slogan of the telephone at the end of the last century. But now we are witnessing a global... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73101K Edward W. Said / Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73096K Martin Heidegger / What is Called Thinking? "For an acquaintance with the thought of Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? is as important as Being and Time. It is the only systematic presentation of the thinker's late philosophy and ... it is perhaps the most exciting of his books... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 72947K D.K. Publishing / Big Ideas The Little Book Of Philosophy All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 72778K Dave Robinson / Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life: A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, it includes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real life choices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.Dave Robinson has taught... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 72702K Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument - for the education of women and for an increased female... MSRP: Now: €2.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89309K John Dupré / Human Nature and the Limits of Science (Hardback) John Dupré warns that our understanding of human nature is being distorted by two faulty and harmful forms of pseudo-scientific thinking. Not just in the academic world but in everyday life, we find one set of experts who seek to explain the ends... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89299K Sherry Turkle / Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Hardback) For Sherry Turkle, "We think with the objects we love; we love the objects we think with." In Evocative Objects, Turkle collects writings by scientists, humanists, artists, and designers that trace the power of everyday things. These essays reveal... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89292K David Bakhurst / Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self (Hardback) Jerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner′s influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89289K Maxwell Richard Bennett / Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (Hardback) In Neuroscience and Philosophy three prominent philosophers and a leading neuroscientist clash over the conceptual presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience. The book begins with an excerpt from Maxwell Bennett and Peter... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89288K Ivan Illich / In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Adresses, 1978-1990 (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89285K Anthony O'Hear / New Century Philosophy (Hardback) In this powerful re-examination of the purpose and direction of philosophy for the new century O'Hear engages with our most pressing questions. Is there knowledge outside of science? Does religion still have meaning and coherence today? What is beauty... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89282K Mary Midgley / Science and Poetry (Hardback) Crude materialism, reduction of mind to body, extreme individualism. All products of a 17th century scientific inheritance which looks at the parts of our existence at the expense of the whole.Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89275K Edward W. Said / Representations of the Intellectual (Hardback) A new collection of essays by the author of Culture and Imperialism explores the changing role of the intellectual in modern society, drawing on both current events and literary examples to support his arguments. All of our books are second... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89256K André Comte-Sponville / A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (Hardback) An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer.In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED275 Theodore Roszak - The Making of a Counter Culture | Where the Wasteland Ends ( 2 Book Lot ) - Vintage PB Where the Wasteland Ends - Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society - 1973 PB, Anchor Books USA. A903 - 0385027389 The Making of a Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition - 1969 PB, Anchor... MSRP: Now: €10.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio- Criticism - PB ( 1976 - Peking ) Published in this edition by the 'Foreign Languages Press' Peking ( Beijing) 1976, 2nd edition thus, a reprint of the edition from the similarly named publisher in Moscow. Originally published in 1908. Frontis photo of Lenin . Internally very good,... MSRP: Now: €6.50 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X89166K Steve Fuller / Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Hardback) In 1965 Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper met at the University of London to stage what has turned out to be the most momentous philosophical debate of the 20th century. At stake was no less than the soul of science itself...No discipline remained untouched by... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90185K António Damásio / Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Human Brain (Hardback) Joy, sorrow, jealousy and awe - these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. Presumed to be too private for science to explain and not to be essential for comprehending human rationality and understanding, they have largely been ignored... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90172K David Edward Cooper / The Measure of Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery (Hardback) David Cooper explores and defends the view that a reality independent of human perspectives is necessarily indescribable, a "mystery." Other views are shown to be hubristic. Humanists, for whom "man is the measure" of reality, exaggerate our capacity to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90159K Anthony Kenny / The Rise of Modern Philosophy (Hardback) Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view