Quick view Details sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN695K Jess K. Gilmour / The Practical Astronomer's Deep-sky Companion (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN694K Roger D. Launius / NASA and the Exploration of Space: With Works from the Nasa Art Collection (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN654K A.W.F. Edwards / Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN643K Joanne Baker / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN642K Joanne Baker / Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN630K Chris Eliasmith / How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN543K Bernard Golden / Amazon Web Services For Dummies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN533K David McCandless / Knowledge is Beautiful (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN506K Fabrizio Mazzucconi / Atlas of the Skies (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN503K Brian May , Patrick Moore , Chris Lintott / Bang! The Complete History of the Universe (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN495K Cassell's Atlas of Evolution : The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 64080K Frank Swain / How to Make a Zombie : The Real Life (and Death) Science of Reanimation and Mind Control MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN457K Richard Dawkins / The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: nN453K Carl Zimmer / EVOLUTION :The Triumph of an Idea (Coffee Table Book) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X86140K Esther Dyson / Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age(Hardback) MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X89700H Richard Elwes / The Maths Handbook: Everyday Maths Made Simple (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 63633K Storm Dunlop / Night Sky MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 63610K D.T. Max / The Family That Couldn't Sleep : Unravelling a Venetian Medical Mystery MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 61100K Georgina Ferry / Dorothy Hodgkin : A Life MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 61089K Oliver Sacks / Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 60890K Peter MacBride / Teach Yourself Windows Vista MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 60807K Robert M. Youngson / Collins Dictionary of Human Biology MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 60793K James A. Coleman / Relativity for the Layman MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 61733K Karolyn Shindler / Discovering Dorothea : The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-hunter Dorothea Bate MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 60714K Collins Gem: Basic Facts Chemistry MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90075K Marleen Huysman / Communities and Technologies (Hardback) The book contains 24 research articles related to the emerging research field of Communities and Technologies (C&T). The papers treat subjects such as online communities, communities of practice, Community support systems, Digital Cities, regional... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90073K Richard H.R. Harper / Trust, Computing, and Society (Hardback) The Internet has altered how people engage with each other in myriad ways, including offering opportunities for people to act distrustfully. This fascinating set of essays explores the question of trust in computing from technical, socio-philosophical,... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90072K Bill Lessard & Steve Baldwin / Net Slaves : True Tales of Working the Web (Hardback) Exposes the dark side of the booming technology industry in the last decades which has thousands of poorly-paid employees working extended hours in cyber-sweatshops. Originally published 1998. All of our books are second hand, and... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90069K National Research Council / Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Hardback) Despite the strong safety record of the national airspace system, serious disruptions occasionally occur, often as a result of outdated or failed equipment. Under these circumstances, safety relies on the skills of the controllers and pilots and on... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90065K Annemarie Schimmel / The Mystery of Numbers (Hardback) Why is the number seven lucky--even holy--in almost every culture? Why do we speak of the four corners of the earth? Why do cats have nine lives (except in Iran, where they have seven)? From literature to folklore to private superstitions, numbers play a... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90054K Russell Foster / Life Time - The Science of the Body Clock(Hardback) ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WITH THIS GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK!' A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill Bryson In the twenty-first century, we... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy - Vintage PB 1969 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view J. E. Gordon / Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - PB In "The New Science of Strong Materials" the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures. Pelican PB 1980, originally 1978 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X88541K Philip J. Davis / Mathematical Encounters of the 2nd Kind (Hardback) "Davis' message is that an interest in mathematics can, like any activity of the human mind, bring people into contact with each other over centuries, over oceans, and over cultural separations. He came to realize that mathematics goes beyond the... MSRP: Now: £3.57 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 68787K Jerome R. Ravetz / The No-Nonsense Guide to Science In this No-Nonsense Guide Jerome Ravetz introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from simplistic ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. The book gives a fresh look at science's history, with a guide to the key theories, and... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 68782K Alex Boese / Psychedelic Apes: From Parallel Universes to Atomic Dinosaurs – the Weirdest Theories of Science and History What if we’re living inside a black hole? What if we’ve already found extraterrestrial life? What if the dinosaurs died in a nuclear war? What if Jesus Christ was actually a mushroom? Psychedelic Apes delves into the curious scientific... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 68758K Stephen Hawking / God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History This volume is about the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 68741K Anil Ananthaswamy / The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology In this deeply original book, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy sets out in search of the telescopes and detectors that promise to answer the biggest questions in modern cosmology. Why is the universe expanding at an ever faster rate? What is the... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 68712K Rose Shapiro / Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All Alternative medicine is an increasingly mainstream industry with a predicted worth of five trillion dollars by the year 2050. Its treatments range from reputable methods like homeopathy and acupuncture to such bizarre therapies as nutraceuticals, ear... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 67113K John Allen Paulos / Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Why do even well-educated people understand so little about mathematics? And what are the costs of our innumeracy? John Allen Paulos, in his celebrated bestseller first published in 1988, argues that our inability to deal rationally with very large... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 67070K Stephen Jay Gould / The Mismeasure of Man All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 67041K Arno Karlen / Plague's Progress - A Social History of Man and Disease A disturbing report of the global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X87961K New Scientist Instant Expert: The End of Money (Large Paperback) The story of the development of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X87950K Margaret K Sands / Problems in Plant Physiology (Large Paperback) Published by Hodder, 1988 ( originally 1983) Plant biology. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: x87105K David Peak / Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity (Large Paperback) Chaos Under Control introduces the rich concepts driving the new science of complexity. Here you will discover the principles behind some of the most talked-about research findings of our time and see some astonishing examples and applications. Their... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: x87102K Reinhard Laubenbacher & David Pengelley / Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers ( Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) (Large Paperback) This book contains the stories of five mathematical journeys into new realms, told through the writings of the explorers themselves. Some were guided by mere curiosity and the thrill of adventure, while others had more practical motives. In each case the... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN946K Marvin Minsky / The Society of Mind (Coffee Table Book) Marvin Minsky -- one of the fathers of computer science and cofounder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT -- gives a revolutionary answer to the age-old "How does the mind work?"Minsky brilliantly portrays the mind as a "society" of tiny... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN912K John Fauvel / Let Newton Be! - A New Perspective on his Life and Works(Coffee Table Book) Over the three hundred years since the publication of his Principia Mathematica , Newton has come to symbolize the ideal of scientist and mathematician par excellence . Let Newton Be! (the title comes from a famous couplet by Alexander Pope) explores the... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN886K Richard Platt / The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions (Coffee Table Book) Traces the history of inventions throughout time, from 3500 BC to the technological advances of today, in an indispensible guide that provides students with a vast array of essential information and makes learning enjoyable. All of our... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN831K Paul Parsons / Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs (Coffee Table Book) Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs presents a series of clear and concise essays that explain the fundamentals of some of the most exciting and important science concepts you really need to know. Paul Parsons profiles the important, ground-breaking, and... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN783K Roy Porter / Hutchinson DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY (Coffee Table Book) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: nN754K Brendan McWilliams / Illustrated Weather Eye (Coffee Table Book) Brendan McWilliams' column, Weather Eye, that was published daily for almost 2 decades in The Irish Times, was one of the most successful and best-loved features in modern Irish journalism. The book comprises Anne McWilliams' favorite pieces from her... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view