Product Description
Astounding stories of absurd size and impossible dimension! Mammoth mega-fauna! Apocalyptic adventure! Surreal suspense! Catastrophic comedy! Monstrous metaphysics! Featuring original fiction from around the world and a special film history by Cinescape's Brian Thomas. Winner of the Australian Speculative Fiction Ditmar Award for Best Collection 2005.
Contributors and their stories featuring in the anthology are: Chris Barnes, "Big Day"; David Carroll, "Footprint"; Terry Dartnall, "Footfall"; Chris Dickinson, "Watching the Titans"; Paul Finch, "CALIBOS"; Adam Ford, "Seven Dates That Were Ruined By Giant Monsters, Or Why I Really Need To Get Out of This City"; Anthony Fordham, "Aspect Hunter"; Cody Goodfellow", "Kungmin Horangi: The People's Tiger"; Richard Harland, "The Greater Death of Saito Saku"; Trent Jamieson, "Five Bells"; Martin Livings, "Running"; Penelope Love, "The Unlawful Priest of Todesfall"; Rosaleen Love, "Once Giants Roamed the Earth"; Michelle Marquardt, "Crunch Time"; Chuck McKenzie, "Like A Bug Underfoot"; Garth Nix, "Read It In The Headlines!"; Skip Peel, "Park Rot"; Stephen Mark Rainey, "The Transformer of Worlds"; Eric Shapiro, "Newborn"; J.M. Shiloh, "Man In Suit!"; Petri Sinda, "The Quiet Agrarian"; Andrew Sullivan, "Notes Concerning Events at the Ray Harryhausen Memorial Home for Retired Actors"; George Thomas, "Requiem for a Wild God"; Iain Triffitt, "In Final Battle"; D.G. Valdron, "Fossils"; Sean Williams, "daihaiku / haikaiju"; Doug Wood, "Lullabye"; Frank Wu, "The Tragical History of Guidolon, the Giant Space Chicken"; Special Cinema Supplement Article by Brian Thomas, "Wonders 8 Through 88: A Brief History of the Larger-Than-Life".
All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a price sticker on a book, please ignore it.