Product Description
Shadow-work, according to Sam Hamill, is work done without pay: charity work, family work, community work—often what’s referred to as “woman’s work.” It is also poet’s work, therefore feminized in the popular imagination—the reading, studying and meditating that ispreparation for the “gift” of the poem. Mr. Hamill’s volume of social and literary criticism, A Poet’s Work: The OtherSide of Poetry,is basicallyfor, by, and about “shadowwork ”—a long, hard journey through the conscience and consciousness of a great scholar and artist. An ex-con who teaches in prisons, an ex-batterer who counsels battered women, the highly engaged and engaging Mr. Hamill is also very much a Pacific Rim sensibility. A Zen practitioner, steeped in the poetry and history of China and Japan, the politics of the disenfranchised, he is inevitably drawn, in his American readings, to Jeffers, Haines, Snyder and Rexroth, especially Rexroth. And the astonishing erudition and moral fervor he brings to the page islike Rexroth’s, and Pound’sbefore him.
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