SALE Quick view Details sku: x38526E Paul F. Knitter / Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38513E David Weller / Kiddiwalks In Surrey (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38509E Celia Johnson / How To Be A Successful Therapist (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38494E Stanley C. Sargent / Ancient Exhumations +2 (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38490E Stephen Mark Rainey / The Last Trumpet (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38486E Andrew McGuigan / Cumbrian Cthulhu Volume two (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x60926H Emma Heatherington / One More Day (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38479E Michael Honig / The Senility of Vladimir P. (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38477E Stasi Eldredge / Free to Be Me: Becoming the Young Woman God Created You to Be (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38466E Deborah Meier / The Power of Their Ideas (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38460E Lou Schuler / The Testosterone Advantage Plan (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38445E Precious Dikko / To Catch a Rebel (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38444E Jon Bilbao / Still the Same Man (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38441E Charlotte Gambill / The Miracle in the Middle: Finding God's Voice in the Void (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38435E Valentino Salvoldi / God Is Greater Than Your Heart: The Feast of Reconciliation (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38420E Peter M. Robinson / Snapshots From Hell: The Making Of An Mba (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38377E Delia Ephron / Siracusa (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38372E Peter Bonnici / Monkey's Tale: Based on the Epic Adventures of Raama and Seeta (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: x38367E Rex Hazeldine / The RFU Guide to Fitness for Rugby (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: X71728H Connie Glynn / Princess in Practice (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38362E Oscar Collier / How to Write and Sell Your First Novel (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x55065H Samuel J. Arnold / No More Bedwetting: How to Help Your Child Stay Dry (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38346E Beth Harbison / Every Time You Go Away (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x54790H Jamie Redknapp / Me FamilyandtheMakingof (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38338E Rebecca Stott / Ghostwalk (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38335E Catherine Dunne / A Name for Himself (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38333E David Taylor / Film Frontier The Making Of "Scarface" (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38330E Prajna Ginty / Edge of Grace - A Seeker's Path to the Heart of Liberation (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38327E Kevin O'Grady / The Reincarnation of Columbus (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38313E Maddie Conway / Oh No! It's Those Emails Again (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x63175H Fay Weldon / The Spa Decameron (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38310E Maddie Conway / Text Messages Rule the World': 'Oh no they don't!' say the Emails (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38307E Darrow Kirkpatrick / Can I Retire Yet?: How to Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38299E Pam Farrel / Woman of Confidence: Step into God's Adventure for Your Life (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38292E Nicole Stansbury / Places to Look for a Mother (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38285E Rebecca Stowe / The Shadow Of Desire (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38283E Sheena Lambert / The Grandmother Hypothesis (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38280E Alicia Thompson / The Secrets of Your Birthday (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38276E James Borg / Body Language (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38271E Clay Nichols / DadLabs Guide to Fatherhood: Pregnancy and Year One (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38269E Patricia O'Connor / The Inner Life Of Thérèse Of Lisieux (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38267E Milan Rai / War Plan Iraq: Ten Reasons Against War with Iraq (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38258E Tomek Tryzna / Girl Nobody (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38257E Dorothy Allison / Cavedweller (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38251E David H. Levy / Comets: Creators and Destroyers (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38249E Kim Murphy / Promise & Honor (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38239E John Mulligan / No Place in the Sun (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38238E Landon Carter / Falling in Love Backwards: An Unlikely Tale of Happily Ever After (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38237E James Harris / The Hair Replacement Revolution: A Consumer's Guide to Effective Hair Replacement Techniques (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38236E Declan Burke / Eight-Ball Boogie (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x38235E Sean Wilsey / Oh the Glory of it All: A Memoir (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x56291H Trevor McDonald / Improbable Life (Large Paperback) MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38526E Paul F. Knitter / Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility (Large Paperback) "What are Christians to make of their mission in an pluralistic world?" asks Paul F. Knitter, author of the landmark work in interfaith dialogue No Other Name? As a recognized scholar and participant in interfaith dialogue, Knitter is in a unique... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38513E David Weller / Kiddiwalks In Surrey (Large Paperback) Containing maps and photographs, this is a collection of twenty circular walks in Surrey. Designed for children and family groups, it explores the flora and fauna, wildlife and history of the local countryside. All of our books are... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38509E Celia Johnson / How To Be A Successful Therapist (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38494E Stanley C. Sargent / Ancient Exhumations +2 (Large Paperback) Containing nine imaginative tales from a darkly innovative mind, this collection features stories that range from the Lovecraftian-inspired and original Mythos creations to those that venture deeper into the realm of dark fiction. New and... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38490E Stephen Mark Rainey / The Last Trumpet (Large Paperback) The night the stars fell, we could hear the that low thump-thump from somewhere in the sky, like the beating of some gigantic heart...In Sylvan County, Virginia, strange sounds often accompany the coming of darkness. They drift among the remote and... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38486E Andrew McGuigan / Cumbrian Cthulhu Volume two (Large Paperback) Volume Two. All new tales of Cumbrian horror inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's legendary Cthulhu Mythos. Cumbrian Cthulhu aims to encourage and publish stories by amateur horror writers, celebrating the mystical beauty of Cumbria and the... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x60926H Emma Heatherington / One More Day (Large Paperback) When everything is lost, can their love survive?Annie Madden and her husband Peter seemed to have the perfect life. They had two beautiful children, a wonderful home and each other. That was before everything changed. All of our... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38479E Michael Honig / The Senility of Vladimir P. (Large Paperback) A biting satire of a particular despot and a deeply human allegory of the fragility of goodness and the contagion of unchecked power. Set twenty-odd years from now, it opens on Patient Number One―Vladimir Putin, largely forgotten in his... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38477E Stasi Eldredge / Free to Be Me: Becoming the Young Woman God Created You to Be (Large Paperback) Who am I, really? How do I figure out what to do with my life? Does anybody really care about me? Why can't I be as pretty as her? Stasi Eldredge understands the doubts, struggles, and fears you are facing. She has been there! Now Stasi invites... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38466E Deborah Meier / The Power of Their Ideas (Large Paperback) Teaching the lessons of New York's most famous public school, Deborah Meier provides a widely acclaimed vision for the future of public education. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38460E Lou Schuler / The Testosterone Advantage Plan (Large Paperback) Lose Weight, Gain Muscle, Boost Energy!!! A 9-week food-and-fitness breakthrough FOR MEN ONLY! All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38445E Precious Dikko / To Catch a Rebel (Large Paperback) Following a threat to her life, and to the throne and court she is to one day inherit, Princess Imotenya Aria Accra has spent the last ten years of her life hiding in the village of Sapele from rebels and supporters of the former heir to the throne... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38444E Jon Bilbao / Still the Same Man (Large Paperback) Riddled with problems, Joanes has to travel to the Mayan Ribera to attend his father-in-law's new wedding. There, forced to leave the hotel due to a hurricane alert, on his trip toward safer ground he has a chance encounter with an old college... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38441E Charlotte Gambill / The Miracle in the Middle: Finding God's Voice in the Void (Large Paperback) This compelling, story-driven message shows how those who persist through the burnout and valleys of the “middle” will find that miracles await them on the other side. If you've ever been on a long trip with small children, you've no... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38435E Valentino Salvoldi / God Is Greater Than Your Heart: The Feast of Reconciliation (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38420E Peter M. Robinson / Snapshots From Hell: The Making Of An Mba (Large Paperback) Peter Robinson’s Snapshots from Hell is a hilarious and enlightening insider’s answer to the paramount question every prospective student asks: what is business school really like? During his frenetic first year at Stanford Business... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38377E Delia Ephron / Siracusa (Large Paperback) New Yorkers Michael, a famous writer, and Lizzie, a journalist, travel to Italy with their friends from Maine—Finn; his wife, Taylor; and their daughter, Snow. “From the beginning,” says Taylor, “it was a conspiracy for... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38372E Peter Bonnici / Monkey's Tale: Based on the Epic Adventures of Raama and Seeta (Large Paperback) Based on Indian Ramayana cycle stories , for younger readership All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: x38367E Rex Hazeldine / The RFU Guide to Fitness for Rugby (Large Paperback) The Rugby Football Union's guide to the importance of fitness in the game and the best ways to achieve necessary fitness levels. It includes sections structuring a fitness programme, endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, fitness work... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: X71728H Connie Glynn / Princess in Practice (Large Paperback) Lottie Pumpkin is an ordinary girl who longs to be a princess; Ellie Wolf is a princess who longs to be ordinary. When fate puts them in the same dorm at Rosewood Hall, the two come up with the perfect solution: to swap places. Now back... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38362E Oscar Collier / How to Write and Sell Your First Novel (Large Paperback) Second revised edition of a guide to writing and publishing a successful novel in today's complicated market. The book gives case histories of first novel success, detailing exactly how the book was created and sold. Included are tips from... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x55065H Samuel J. Arnold / No More Bedwetting: How to Help Your Child Stay Dry (Large Paperback) In this reassuring, eye-opening book, noted urologist Samuel J. Arnold explains how almost all childhood bedwetting can be cured or controlled. Drawing on over 35 years of experience--and thousands of actual cases--Dr. Arnold illustrates how,... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38346E Beth Harbison / Every Time You Go Away (Large Paperback) In New York Times bestselling author Beth Harbison's most emotional novel ever, a fractured family must come together at a beach house haunted by the past. Willa has never fully recovered from the sudden death of her husband, Ben. She... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x54790H Jamie Redknapp / Me FamilyandtheMakingof (Large Paperback) 'a wonderful book ... a great read' Daily Mail 'a fascinating book ... I really enjoyed it' Piers Morgan, Good Morning Britain'a heart-warming, funny and insightful read. Perfect for a rainy day by the fire.' FourFourTwo magazineOne of the... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38338E Rebecca Stott / Ghostwalk (Large Paperback) When Elizabeth, a reclusive historian, is found drowned in a tributary of the River Cam, she is clutching a glass prism and has left behind her unfinished magnum opus, a book on Isaac Newton's alchemy. Her son turns to Lydia Brooke, a young writer... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38335E Catherine Dunne / A Name for Himself (Large Paperback) Farrell hated Brown on sight. When he fell in love with his daughter he hated him even more. She seemed out of his league. He eventually wins her over but each of them has old ghosts that refuse to lie down. All of our books are... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38333E David Taylor / Film Frontier The Making Of "Scarface" (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38330E Prajna Ginty / Edge of Grace - A Seeker's Path to the Heart of Liberation (Large Paperback) A true story that is simultaneously funny, tragic, heroic, transformational, heart-warming and wise. Nancy had everything, a beautiful family, thriving career, and a profound spiritual realization laden with bliss and full of possibilities. Then... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38327E Kevin O'Grady / The Reincarnation of Columbus (Large Paperback) This is the true story of a man's journey of self-discovery that began the moment his 4-month-old baby was found dead in his crib. There was no sound, no struggle, and a postmortem failed to show an adequate cause of death. This is an in-depth... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38313E Maddie Conway / Oh No! It's Those Emails Again (Large Paperback) A nasty alien bodyguard is gobbled up by a Space Croc while his companion is kidnapped by a gang of smelly witches. A raging fire burns the beautiful planet of Zibazilia. A Princess is poisoned by the rotting skin of a space Pumpkin. An Alien... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x63175H Fay Weldon / The Spa Decameron (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38310E Maddie Conway / Text Messages Rule the World': 'Oh no they don't!' say the Emails (Large Paperback) For the first time ever, children of the world meet the living text and email messengers. The battle is on to see who will win the war of the skies. An angry witch casts a devastating series of spells after a brain-dead alien wrecks her den. A gang... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38307E Darrow Kirkpatrick / Can I Retire Yet?: How to Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life (Large Paperback) You've worked hard, lived carefully, and saved diligently. You've reached major milestones and accumulated more assets than you dreamed possible, and yet you hesitate. “Can I retire?” This book will help answer that question by showing... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38299E Pam Farrel / Woman of Confidence: Step into God's Adventure for Your Life (Large Paperback) Popular speaker and relationship specialist Pam Farrel, author of Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti, helps women discover how to develop the confidence they need to walk into their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. The strongest, most... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38292E Nicole Stansbury / Places to Look for a Mother (Large Paperback) In the tradition of Mona Simpson’s Anywhere But Here, Places to Look for a Mother tells a tale of mostly maddening mother-daughter bonds. Forgiveness is always there, but it’s hard to find. And Stansbury’s fractured Taylor family,... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38285E Rebecca Stowe / The Shadow Of Desire (Large Paperback) The author of the highly acclaimed Not the End of the World, described by Joan Didion as "a perfectly controlled novel that explodes on impact into astonishing and quite lethal shards, " now offers the sharply observed, wickedly funny, quietly... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38283E Sheena Lambert / The Grandmother Hypothesis (Large Paperback) As far as Irish American, anthropology major Orla Oliver is concerned, every man in her life is an ass. Her father, her college tutor, and others that… well that she'd rather not talk about, even to the shrink she's being forced to see... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38280E Alicia Thompson / The Secrets of Your Birthday (Large Paperback) Your birthday is the most important day of the year - and not just because it's a great excuse for a party! The day you were born holds the key to your true personality, and this book shows you how to unlock your secrets and identify your perfect... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38276E James Borg / Body Language (Large Paperback) Body Language is the winner of the Non-fiction Travel Read 2009, BAA Heathrow Travel Product Awards - More than 23,000 votes were cast in a month-long nominations period, with votes coming in from across the world. Your body language is on... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38271E Clay Nichols / DadLabs Guide to Fatherhood: Pregnancy and Year One (Large Paperback) We Screwed Up So You Don’t Have To So the kid’s butt is redder than a baboon’s and he’s screaming like a crazed hockey fan. What to do? Powder or butt paste? Who can a new father ask? The guys at DadLabs have you... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38269E Patricia O'Connor / The Inner Life Of Thérèse Of Lisieux (Large Paperback) She entered the convent when she was a teen and died at age 24, but her inner life led Therese of Lisieux to be named the third female Doctor of the Church. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38267E Milan Rai / War Plan Iraq: Ten Reasons Against War with Iraq (Large Paperback) War Plan Iraq brings together the arguments that can shake President Bush and Prime Minister Blair’s determination to start an illegal war with Iraq. Despite Washington’s claims that the only options are inaction or invasion and that... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38258E Tomek Tryzna / Girl Nobody (Large Paperback) Coming-of-age novels don't get much darker than Tomek Tryzna's debut, Miss Nobody. Beginning in blood and ending in betrayal, this tale of a young Polish girl's journey from innocence to all-too-painful experience limns a searing portrait of... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38257E Dorothy Allison / Cavedweller (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38251E David H. Levy / Comets: Creators and Destroyers (Large Paperback) David Levy brings these "ghostly apparitions" to life. With fascinating scenarios both real and imagined, he shows how comets have wreaked their special havoc on Earth and other planets. Beginning with ground zero as comets take form, we track the... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38249E Kim Murphy / Promise & Honor (Large Paperback) At the outbreak of the Civil War, Amanda Graham's husband dies a hero's death. Left with no source of income, she smuggles medical supplies for Lieutenant Colonel William Jackson and the Confederacy. Although a rogue, Wil is a man of courage and... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38239E John Mulligan / No Place in the Sun (Large Paperback) Anyone who ever bought anything from a salesman needs to read this book. When Tom Murphy loses his job selling washing machines he tries his hand at selling 'clocked' cars. With the law on his heels he moves to Spain, where he soon gets involved in... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38238E Landon Carter / Falling in Love Backwards: An Unlikely Tale of Happily Ever After (Large Paperback) What if the pain and difficulties that arise in relationships are not something to run away from but, rather, are the keys to true intimacy and more personal freedom? What if the situations that arise when the ‘honeymoon is over', offer the... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x38237E James Harris / The Hair Replacement Revolution: A Consumer's Guide to Effective Hair Replacement Techniques (Large Paperback) There is no cure for hair loss just yet. A number of amazing options are available, though, including high-tech surgical techniques, revolutionary drugs, and cosmetic hair additions that are more natural-looking than ever before. For anyone... MSRP: £3.13 Was: £3.13 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
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