SALE Quick view Details sku: x36661E When God Comes to Town : Religious Traditions in Urban Contexts (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36658E William Johnston / Arise My Love : Mysticism for a New Era (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36657E Aidan Goatley / 10 Films with My Dad (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36656E Lewis Lapham / Pretensions To Empire (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36655E H. Laurence Ross / Confronting Drunk Driving : Social Policy for Saving Lives (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36653E J. Sharry / Parent Power - Bringing Up Responsible Children & Teenagers (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36652E Mary Atkinson / Personal Trainer : Hand & Foot Massage (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36650E West End Producer / Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Acting (But Were Afraid to Ask Dear) (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36647E Michal Levin / The Pool of Memory : The Autobiography of an Unwilling Intuitive (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36642E Peter Lloyd-Sherlock / Living Longer : Ageing, Development and Social Protection (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x63031H You're History : How People Make the Difference (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36639E Ed Victor / The Obvious Diet (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x58602H Kirsty Crawford / Other Women (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36624E Charles Livingstone Allen / When You Lose a Loved One (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36619E Barbara Rees / Oscar's Tale (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36616E Srimala / Breaking Free : Glimpses of a Buddhist Life (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36615E Priyanthi Fernando / Balancing the Load : Women Gender and Transport (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36611E John J. May / The Origin of Specious Nonsense (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36609E Polly Crosby / The Illustrated Child (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36605E Teresa Mitchell / Growing Healthy (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36596E Joan Chittister / The Fire in These Ashes : Spirituality of Contemporary Religious Life (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x54635H Tim Guest / My Life in Orange (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36585E Baron Wormser / Scattered Chapters (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36577E Miriam Frank / My Innocent Absence (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36566E Sanjay Modha / How to Pass Technical Selection Tests (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36565E Sheila O'Flanagan / Visions & Revisions : An Anthology of New Writing by Junior Cycle Teachers (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: X35992E Giuliano Bonoli / European Welfare Futures - Towards a Theory of Retrenchment (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: X35990e Ray Collis / Growth Pitstop (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35988E Joe Vitale / The E-Code : 34 Internet Superstars Reveal 44 Ways to Make Money Online Almost Instantly--Using Only E-Mail! (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35986E Tripp York / Third Way Allegiance : Christian Witness in the Shadow of Religious Empire (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35985E Anita Hendy / Girl Called Molly: Pt. 1 (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35981E Anita Hendy / The Furlong Spirit: Pt. 2 (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35977E Bianca Iosivoni / Finding Back to Us (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35973E Barry Tuckwell / Horn (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35972E Laura Kneidl / Someone Else (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35962E Sunny / Lucinda Darkly (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35955E Gary Hartley / The Date Decoder : Military Intelligence Techniques to Expose What What He's Really Thinking (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35931E Klaus Rose / Blind Trust : How Parents with a Sick Child Can Escape the Lies Hypocrisy and False Promises (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35929E Dave Shearman / Hope Against the Odds (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35923E Don Tapscott / Blockchain Revolution : How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies is Changing the World (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35919E Emily Hilton / Cancer Healed Me (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35914E Brian Leyden / Summer of '63 (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35906E Lee Griffith / God is Subversive : Talking Peace in a Time of Empire (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35901E Phil Jones / Learn to Windsurf in a Weekend (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35897E Sunny / Mona Lisa Craving (Large Paperback) MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36550E Lee Irby / 7,000 Clams (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36543E Paul Allen / Alan Ayckbourn (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36539E Rick Joyner / The Call (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x36530E Michael Weaver / The Lie (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35889E James Innes-Smithr / Hew Screw + Glue : How Stuff is Made (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35879E Dave Boling / The Undesirables (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: x35870E Best Friends : Parties Pyjamas and Little Mysteries (Hardback) MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36661E When God Comes to Town : Religious Traditions in Urban Contexts (Large Paperback) Around 1800 roughly three per cent of the human population lived in urban areas; by 2030 this number is expected to have gone up to some seventy per cent. This poses problems for traditional religions that are all rooted in rural, small-scale... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36658E William Johnston / Arise My Love : Mysticism for a New Era (Large Paperback) Rediscovers the long-ignored tradition of mysticism in Christianity and shows how this wisdom can renew our lives, and champion peace and reconciliation around the world. All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36657E Aidan Goatley / 10 Films with My Dad (Large Paperback) How do fathers & sons communicate? Sports? Cars? The Jeremy Kyle show? For Aidan and his dad it was films. Join Aidan as he takes you through his 5 star Edfringe show from John Wayne to 3D to show how 2 men grew up with the help of popcorn... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36656E Lewis Lapham / Pretensions To Empire (Large Paperback) Pretensions to Empire brings together Lewis Lapham's recent political commentaries from his National Magazine Award-winning Harper's Notebook' column, beginning with the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 and culminating in Lapham's eloquent... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36655E H. Laurence Ross / Confronting Drunk Driving : Social Policy for Saving Lives (Large Paperback) Drunk driving is most often viewed as criminal behavior that is best addressed through the justice system. However, in this new book H. Laurence Ross argues that drunk driving is more than a criminal issue. It is an inevitable consequence of... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36653E J. Sharry / Parent Power - Bringing Up Responsible Children & Teenagers (Large Paperback) This is a step-by-step guide to bringing up happy, responsible children...One of the greatest challenges any parent will face, is teaching their children the difference between right and wrong and helping them to learn good social behaviour, whilst... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36652E Mary Atkinson / Personal Trainer : Hand & Foot Massage (Large Paperback) Everyone can do it - and everyone can benefit. Simple, safe and highly effective, it's not surprising that hand and foot massage has now become one of the most popular ways of relieving tension and anxiety. It also has many health benefits... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36650E West End Producer / Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Acting (But Were Afraid to Ask Dear) (Large Paperback) West End Producer is the anonymous Twitter sensation whose hilarious and unfailingly accurate barbs satirising and celebrating the theatre industry have won him a devoted following. His identity is the subject of feverish speculation in the media,... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36647E Michal Levin / The Pool of Memory : The Autobiography of an Unwilling Intuitive (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36642E Peter Lloyd-Sherlock / Living Longer : Ageing, Development and Social Protection (Large Paperback) Accelerated population ageing, long a significant issue for developed countries, is now becoming important in the developing world too. Population ageing is one of the great achievements of the past century - although it brings its own social,... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x63031H You're History : How People Make the Difference (Large Paperback) This book arose out of a challenge. The challenge was made by Bob Geldof to the British academic and historian Michelle Brown. Pop singers raise huge sums of money for Band Aid and touch the hearts of people from all walks of life. But to give... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36639E Ed Victor / The Obvious Diet (Large Paperback) Literary agents are famous for lunching, and there is no more famous agent than Ed Victor. If Ed can lose weight without changing his lifestyle, so can anyone.The Obvious Diet recognises that the rules we make ourselves are the rules we are most... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x58602H Kirsty Crawford / Other Women (Large Paperback) Ever since the death of her husband Theo, Jane Fielding has tried to keep Rawlston House for herself and her children, despite the money problems she inherited. Selling off bits of the property has helped: there are new people next door,... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36624E Charles Livingstone Allen / When You Lose a Loved One (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36619E Barbara Rees / Oscar's Tale (Large Paperback) The door is open - and at the age of thirty Oscar finds the courage to leave Costa Negra for London to make a new life for himself, carrying with him his parrot's head umbrella. He works through the difficulties of adapting to life in a new... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36616E Srimala / Breaking Free : Glimpses of a Buddhist Life (Large Paperback) In 1975 Srimala (formerly Jane Goody) was ordained into the Western Buddhist Order by Sangharakshita whilst pregnant with her second child, and in this book she recounts the challenges of combining motherhood with the spiritual path... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36615E Priyanthi Fernando / Balancing the Load : Women Gender and Transport (Large Paperback) Increasing women's opportunities for micro-enterprise is a vital step in overcoming poverty, and in rural areas, access to markets and transport is a necessary means to achieving that ends. Yet, as this unique investigation into the relationship... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36611E John J. May / The Origin of Specious Nonsense (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36609E Polly Crosby / The Illustrated Child (Large Paperback) A picture paints a thousand lies... 'Evocative and enchanting - a future classic' Veronica Henry'An extraordinary debut... beautiful, dark, haunting' Edward Carey'A captivating coming-of-age story... dripping with atmosphere' Daily Mail'A... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36605E Teresa Mitchell / Growing Healthy (Large Paperback) Lifestyle affects the individual, the home and the work and leisure environment. This book is intended for anyone who wants to prevent illness by adopting a sensible lifestyle. All of our books are second hand, and while you may... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36596E Joan Chittister / The Fire in These Ashes : Spirituality of Contemporary Religious Life (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x54635H Tim Guest / My Life in Orange (Large Paperback) In 1981 Tim Guest was taken by his mother to a commune in a small village in Suffolk. It was modelled on the teachings of the famous Indian "guru", Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, who preached an eclectic doctrine of Eastern mysticism, chaotic therapy and... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36585E Baron Wormser / Scattered Chapters (Large Paperback) *Wormser is a well-known poet with a solid following; previously Poet Laureate of Maine *Collection features poems from the very beginning of Wormser's career to new pieces never before published *Blurb from Gray Jacobik, and another expected from... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36577E Miriam Frank / My Innocent Absence (Large Paperback) Born into a bohemian household in Barcelona, Miriam Frank's life started in a radiant, sun-filled place. Her mother was a Jewish communist and her estranged father an anarchist filmmaker, as well as an American double agent. When the uproar... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36566E Sanjay Modha / How to Pass Technical Selection Tests (Large Paperback) Complete with specimen extracts and practice material, this guide explains how technical selection tests work. It describes how these tests are based on technical vocabulary, the use of English, numerical computation, the ability to... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36565E Sheila O'Flanagan / Visions & Revisions : An Anthology of New Writing by Junior Cycle Teachers (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: X35992E Giuliano Bonoli / European Welfare Futures - Towards a Theory of Retrenchment (Large Paperback) European Welfare Futures presents a clear and up--to--date analysis of developments in social policy in the main EU member states. It provides a systematic account of welfare retrenchment and assesses the competing explanations of this process. The... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: X35990e Ray Collis / Growth Pitstop (Large Paperback) The Growth Pitstop presents 4 Speed Secrets from the high speed racing to powerfully communicate the latest research into the requirements of accelerating business growth. It highlights growing evidence that sustained and profitable growth depends... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35988E Joe Vitale / The E-Code : 34 Internet Superstars Reveal 44 Ways to Make Money Online Almost Instantly--Using Only E-Mail! (Large Paperback) Use e--mail to boost your income--today! The E--Code brings together the combined wisdom of 33 Internet marketing superstars to reveal how they make money online--using nothing but the power of e--mail. Each succinct chapter presents one... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35986E Tripp York / Third Way Allegiance : Christian Witness in the Shadow of Religious Empire (Large Paperback) In these passionate essays, Tripp York makes the case that both nations and the church require total allegiance and that Christians should choose Christ over state. Greg Boyd, Author, The Myth of a Christian Nation; and Pastor, Woodland Hills... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35985E Anita Hendy / Girl Called Molly: Pt. 1 (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35981E Anita Hendy / The Furlong Spirit: Pt. 2 (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35977E Bianca Iosivoni / Finding Back to Us (Large Paperback) Sie darf ihn nicht lieben - denn er ist ihr Stiefbruder ... Als Callie nach langer Zeit in ihre Heimatstadt zurückkehrt, ist der Erste, dem sie dort begegnet, ausgerechnet Keith. Keith, der den Autounfall verursachte, bei dem ihr... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35973E Barry Tuckwell / Horn (Large Paperback) Barry Tuckwell was, until his retirement, one of the world's leading horn virtuosos and thus eminently suited to writing this Guide. This versatile musician combines a soloists experience, an orchestral player's inside knowledge and a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35972E Laura Kneidl / Someone Else (Large Paperback) Ist ein Moment des Glücks wirklich den Preis unserer Freundschaft wert? Eigentlich könnten Cassie und Auri das perfekte Paar sein: Sie sind beste Freunde, wohnen zusammen und teilen ihr größtes Hobby - die Fantasyliteratur... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35962E Sunny / Lucinda Darkly (Large Paperback) For centuries, Lucinda has endured her agonizing reality. As daughter of the High Lord of Hell,she rules over nothing, retrieving the occasional wayward demon and feeding off of the savage MonÂre-of whom she was a member before she died... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35955E Gary Hartley / The Date Decoder : Military Intelligence Techniques to Expose What What He's Really Thinking (Large Paperback) What woman hasn't wished she could take a peek inside her date's brain and find out what he's really thinking?Learn how to read his body language, understand his non-verbal cues, and ask key questions that trigger telling reactions. Women can... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35931E Klaus Rose / Blind Trust : How Parents with a Sick Child Can Escape the Lies Hypocrisy and False Promises (Large Paperback) An insider's look into the world of pediatric drug trials: when research outcomes can quite literally represent life or death Many parents of children with serious health problems may wonder why new medicines are initially not approved for minors... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35929E Dave Shearman / Hope Against the Odds (Large Paperback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35923E Don Tapscott / Blockchain Revolution : How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies is Changing the World (Large Paperback) 'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35919E Emily Hilton / Cancer Healed Me (Large Paperback) Emily Hilton is a writer, healer and co-founder of a home for children in Cusco, Peru. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, she was determined to walk an alternative healing path. Knowing nothing about cancer - not even what an oncologist was... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35914E Brian Leyden / Summer of '63 (Large Paperback) Between the visits of President John F. Kennedy and the Beatles a teenage boy outgrows his childhood and a country comes of age. Ireland, 1963. Leo Rossiter, an asthmatic teenager in the grip of first love, is determined to prove his bravery to... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35906E Lee Griffith / God is Subversive : Talking Peace in a Time of Empire (Large Paperback) To Lee Griffith, being a peacemaker means much more than sporting "PEACE" T-shirts or voting for left-wing political candidates. Peacemaking is for him a daily practice of community formation, lifestyle decisions, and prayer -- ordinary living that... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35901E Phil Jones / Learn to Windsurf in a Weekend (Large Paperback) Part of the "Learn in a Weekend" series, this book focuses on learning how to windsurf. It provides everything from basic information to the refined techniques necessary to participate at a competitive level and it organizes each skill into... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35897E Sunny / Mona Lisa Craving (Large Paperback) Dante, the warrior son of a healer, was cursed by the high priestess to endure a never-ending cycle of life and death, born and reborn into an ever-diminishing bloodline. Someone shares one of his past lives. Her name was Mona Lyria. Back... MSRP: €3.50 Was: €3.50 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36550E Lee Irby / 7,000 Clams (Hardback) Frank Hearn is a down-on-his-luck bootlegger and bruiser, looking for the big score in the heart of the Roaring Twenties. When he loses a shipment of top-quality booze to a double-crossing government thief, Frank hunts him down, roughs him up, and... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36543E Paul Allen / Alan Ayckbourn (Hardback) Alan Ayckbourn is Britain's most popular playwright and its most private. He has won numerous awards for his plays - including Absurd Person Singular, The Norman Conquests, Just Between Ourselves, A Chorus of Disapproval and Communicating Doors -... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36539E Rick Joyner / The Call (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x36530E Michael Weaver / The Lie (Hardback) The agenda is ambitious: eliminating the mass murder in the name of ethnic cleansing now raging all over Africa. The place is propitious: the town of Wannsee, Germany, where Hitler's inner circle once planned the extermination of six million Jews... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35889E James Innes-Smithr / Hew Screw + Glue : How Stuff is Made (Hardback) Did you know: The sap from the Hevea brasiliensis species of tree is transformed into condoms Lipstick was originally made from crushed ants and carmine beetles Some perfumes come from the anal glands of beavers Mussel shells and corn cobs... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35879E Dave Boling / The Undesirables (Hardback) While the vastly outnumbered Boer commandos fight in the field, half a million British soldiers torch a flaming path across the South African veld. As they go, the British imprison thousands of displaced Boer families, including Aletta Venter's,... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: x35870E Best Friends : Parties Pyjamas and Little Mysteries (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: €4.00 Was: €4.00 Now: €0.50 Add to Cart