Quick view Details Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Fréchet, René - Histoire de L'Irlande ( Que Sais-je?) - PB 1975 - French MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France Zola, Emile - Germinal - Paperback - Livre de Poche - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details France | sku: BIG211 Alberto Moravia - L'Ennui - Vintage Flammarion PB - 1961 MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Goldring, Maurice - L'Irlande - Ideologie d'une Revolution Nationale - PB - French Lamguage Ed 1976 MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series Pratchett, Terry - Ruhig Blut ! ( GERMAN Edition) ( Carpe Jugulum - Discworld) MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
SALE Quick view Details sku: 108661c Sabine Meltor / Helene Fischer MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Pfirsichbaum und andere Erzalungen ( The Peachtree) - PB - 1945 - German Language Edition MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Germany Hesse, Hermann - Der Blutenzweig - HB - 1945 - German Language Edition - Zurich 1945 MSRP: Now: £8.94 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
SALE Quick view Details sku: 108419c Anna Todd / Sestry Springovy ( Czech Edition) MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
Quick view Details France | sku: BIG145 Daniel Pennac - Le Dictateur et le Hamac - PB - Gallimard - 2002 - (EN FRANÇAISE ) MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details C.F Ramuz - Derborence - PB - 1949 ( Originally 1934) - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details James Purdy - Les Enfants , C'est tout - PB Gallimard - 1968 - In French MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: BIG150 Anthony Doerr -Kaikki se valo jota emme näe - HB - Finnish Edition ( All the Light We Cannot see) -2015 - Suomen kielellä MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
SALE Quick view Details sku: 107438c John Roberts / Gabriela MSRP: £2.23 Was: £2.23 Now: £0.45 Add to Cart
Quick view Details Pismo Swiete w Przekladzie Nowego Swiata - HB - Bible in Polish MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Parrot, André - Sumer - FRENCH LANGUAGE Edition - Gallimard HB 1st - 1960 - Mesopotamia Civilization - Iraq MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Lopez, Robert S. - Naissance de l'Europe - HB - ( Destins Du Monde Series) Hb 1962 - IN FRENCH MSRP: Now: £10.72 Add to Cart Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Mackinnon, Roderick - Teach Yourself Books - Scottish Gaelic - HB 1971 - MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Schiller, Friedrich - Wilhelm Tell - Schaufpiel in 5 Aufzugen ( Mit 59 Abbildungen nach Gemalden Und Studien von Ernst Stuckelberg - Zweite Auflage, 1912 HB ( In German) MSRP: Now: £21.45 Add to Cart Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details McCaffrey, Anne -Historia Nerilki ( Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern, #8) Fantasy ( Polish Language edition) MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Fiction in Translation O'Brien, Flann - Treciasis Policininkas ( Third Policeman) - Lithuanian Edition MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Roggeman, Willem & Rosenstock, Gabriel - De Vorm van een mens - Poetry Flemish / Gaeilge Translation MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Fiction in Translation Stefan Zweig - Le Brésil, Terre d'Avenir - PB En 1940, fuyant le désastre de l’Europe, l’auteur du Joueur d’échecs s’installe au Brésil, découvert quelques années plus tôt. Très vite, ce pays va le fasciner. Par sa beauté... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Jean Franco ( Editor) - Spanish Short Stories / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text) Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £4.91 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 73051K Jean Franco / Spanish Short Stories 1 / Cuentos Hispánicos 1 (Parallel Text Excellent reading in either Spanish or English, the eight short stories in this collection by authors including Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Camilo José Cela have been chosen for their readability and literary merit... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED266 Mondadori Editions / Il Corano ( Italian Edition) - 2 PB Volume Set Slipcased Letto e meditato in ogni continente, Il Corano (che in arabo significa semplicemente “la lettura”) rappresenta per più di un miliardo di fedeli dell’Islam una summa di principi teologici in cui credere, una norma di vita... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view France Michel Houellebecq - Extension du Domaine de la Lutte - PB Extension du domaine de la lutte est un roman de Michel Houellebecq sorti en 1994 aux Éditions Maurice Nadeau. Il raconte l'histoire d'un cadre moyen célibataire qui oscille entre une déprime sur fond d'inhumanité de la... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view France Régis Jauffret - Asiles de Fous - PB " Vous avez dû trouver cette famille étrange, mais plus encore que les histoires d'amour, toutes les familles sont des asiles de fous. " Dans Asiles de fous, Régis Jauffret décline à travers une banale histoire de... MSRP: Now: £7.15 Add to Cart Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view France Bernard du Boucheron - Court Serpent - PB - Gallimard - 2004 Un petit peuple issu d'Europe s'est établi " au Nord du monde ", dans une solitude glacée où il s'acharne à survivre. Mais, au fil des siècles, les communications s'espacent, puis s'interrompent. L'oubli et l'abandon... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view France Muriel Barbery - L'Elegance du Hérisson - PB (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) A beautiful novel about life in an old Parisian building; narrated alternatively by the philosophical fifty-four year old concierge Renee and twelve year old suicidal child genius Paloma. Winner of Prix des Libraires 2007... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 60574K Ana Frank / El Diario de Ana Frank / The Diary of Anne Frank All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X77752K Jeroen Windmeijer / Het Pilgrim Fathers complot (Large Paperback) Dutch Edition ( NEDERLAND) Het anders zo rustige Leiden schrikt op wanneer de voorzitter van de plaatselijke vrijmetselaarsloge op gruwelijke wijze om het leven wordt gebracht. Bijna tegelijkertijd wordt er in een archief een manuscript... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: MED119,MED120 Suhrkamp Publishing - Irisches Lesebuch - HB - 1996 Text entirely in German - translations of a wide selection of Irish Literature (of poems , short stories and extracts from novels and plays) Published by Gudrun Boch Suhrkamp, 311 pages MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: x67367K Jeroen Snel / Koningin Maxima (Large Paperback) Koningin Maxima is een boeiend portret van het populairste lid van de koninklijke familie. Jeroen Snel beschrijft op meeslepende wijze haar veelzijdige leven. Hij ziet hoe vanzelfsprekend prinses Maxima haar plaats inneemt onder vorstinnen en... MSRP: Now: £3.13 Add to Cart Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view France | sku: MED34 Olivier Bourdeaut - Factum Salis - PB -2018 Très improbable, cette amitié entre un paludier misanthrope, ex-Parisien installé près de Guérande, et un agent immobilier ambitieux, prêt à tout pour « réussir ». Le premier mène... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED241 Lis Pichon - Excusas Perfectas ( y otras cosillas geniales ) - PB - SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION Los divertidísimos diarios de TOM GATES ya cuentan con MÁS DE 4 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN TODO EL MUNDO. Me llamo Tom Gates, y me he propuesto acumular más ESTRELLAS que nadie en la tabla de mi profesor, el señor Fullerman, pero... MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED17 Trudi Canavan - La Misión del Embajador ( La Espía Traidora 1) PB ( Spanish Lnaguage Edition) La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como... MSRP: Now: £4.47 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED242 Patrick Rothfuss - El Nombre del Viento - PB 2017 ( Spanish Language Edition) Atípica, profunda y sincera, El nombre del viento es una novela de aventuras, de historias dentro de otras historias, de misterio, de amistad, de amor, de magia y de superación. La novela que ha consagrado a Patrick Rothfuss como... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: BIG121 Pierre Montagnon - La Guerre d'Algerie - PB 1984 ( French Language Edition) Par son ampleur et son énorme documentation, La Guerre d'Algérie de Pierre Montagnon est l'un des plus authentiques témoignages historiques jamais écrits sur un conflit dont les traces subsisteront longtemps dans la... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: BIG94 Jostein Gaarder - Le Monde de Sophie - PB 1995 ( Originally 1991) ( French Language Edition) Tout commence le jour où Sophie Amundsen, une jeune fille de quinze ans, trouve dans sa boîte une lettre qui lui est adressée, et sur laquelle n'est inscrite qu'une seule phrase : «Qui es-tu ?». Une seconde enveloppe lui... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view France Preseren - Izbrane Pesmi / Selected Poems - PB ( Dual Luangauge Edition - English / Slovenian) Slovencem so se v tisočletni kulturni zgodovini zgodili trije véliki čudeži: Brižinski spomeniki, Primož Trubar ter France Prešeren, ki je v obdobju med 1824 in 1849, torej v dobi visoke romantike, prvi presegel okvire domače nacionalne in... MSRP: Now: £8.04 Add to Cart Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: HP11H Rowling, J.K / Harrius Potter et Pilosophi Lapis (Hardback Latin Version) Illustrations Thomas Tylor Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: 87960E Helena Pielichaty / Stori Beca... In Welsh All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Germany | sku: BIG312 Rainer Maria Rilke - Gessamelte Werke ( fünf Bänden ) - HB BOXED SET Insel Verlag ENTIRELY IN GERMAN 5 Matching hardcover volumes in marbled effect cloth covers, as new, this edition 2003, by Insel Verlag, one of Germany's most noteworthy publishers ( est 1899) VOL 1 - Gedichte 1 - Mir zur Frier, Die Weise von... MSRP: Now: £26.81 Add to Cart Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view ДОВЛАТОВ, Сергей - Заповедник и другие истории ( Reserve & Other Stories - HB - Russia - 2013) Hardcover, TEXT ENTIRELY IN RUSSIAN - published 2013 MSRP: Now: £5.36 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Germany | sku: BIG136 Stephen King - Fruhling Sommer Herbst und Tod - HB ( German Edition) ( Different Seasons) Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod (engl. Different Seasons) ist eine Novellensammlung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Stephen King Das Buch erschien 1982 beim New Yorker Verlag Viking Press. Eine deutsche... MSRP: Now: £6.70 Add to Cart Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: BIG141 Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Pan Lodowego Ogrudu ( Tom IV) - PB - Polish Language edition Władza uzależnia, szczególnie w połączeniu z magią. Wyobraź sobie, że stałeś się bogiem – ktoś miałby cię tego stanu pozbawić? No fuckin’ way! Nie liczą się sentymenty, dobro wspólne, misja i przyjaźń.Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: MED245 Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter I Kamien Filozoficzny - PB ( POLISH LANGUAGE EDITION) 2012 Harry Potter, sierota i podrzutek, od niemowlęcia wychowywany był przezciotkę i wuja, którzy traktowali go jak piąte koło u wozu. Pochodzeniechłopca owiane jest tajemnicą; jedyną pamiątką Harry`egoz przeszłości jest zagadkowa blizna na czole. Skąd... MSRP: Now: £6.26 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Germany | sku: 79855M Gerhard Seyfried / Freakadellen und Bulletten In German All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If... MSRP: Now: £2.23 Add to Cart Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Germany Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha - Eine Indische Dichtung ( Suhrkamp Taschen PB) - German Ed Usual page tanning, slight warp to the book covers, internally unmarked. First publshed in 1922, and published in English in 1954, this is a 1978 Reprint. This classic novel of self-discovery has inspired generations of seekers. With... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Clan Del Oso Cavernario ( Spanish Edition) Clan of the Cave Bear ( Earth's Children 1 ) El clan del oso cavernario (1980) es la primera novela de la saga Los Hijos De La Terra, de la autora estadounidense Jean M aUEL ambientada en la época paleolitica Maeva Ediciones, 1993. SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Auel, Jean M. - El Valle de Los Caballos ( Spanish Edition) The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children 2) Ayla leaves the safety of her clan and sets out on an epic journey of discovery. A hostile land awaits her, and her need for human love remains unfulfilled. But in the valley of the horses she finds refuge and contentment. Fate brings a stranger,... MSRP: Now: £5.81 Add to Cart Quick view