Quick view Details Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90240K Patrick O'Brian / The Wine-Dark Sea (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90239K Patrick Quinn / Ready for Take-Off (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90238K Caroline Kennedy / Profiles in Courage For Our Time (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90237K Ziggy Zen / How to Become a Dinner Party Legend and Avoid Crippling Psychological Damage: Easy Dinner Party Recipes (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90236K Anne Chapman / Country Kitchen Herbs (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90235K Juliet Mabey / God's Big Handbook for the Soul: An Owner's Manual (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Boxing and Boxing Biography | sku: X90233K David Remick / KIng of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90232K Jenna Bailey / Can Any Mother Help Me? (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90231K Robin Neillands / Wars of the Roses (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90230K Caroline Pigozzi / Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life: The Pope I Knew So Well (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90229K Wanda Newby / Peace and War: Growing Up in Fascist Italy (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90228K Lisa Appignanesi / Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details Golf & Golf Biography | sku: X90227K Arnold Palmer, James Dodson / A Golfer's Life (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90226K Cynthia Quarta / Tai Chi in a Chair (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90225K Joan Petersilia / When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90224K Lorna Goodison / From Harvey River: A Memoir Of My Mother And Her Island (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90223K Kevin Lally / Wilder Times: The Life of Billy Wilder (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90222K Danielle Steel / The Wedding (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90218K Helen Raimes / A Taste of Perigord (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90217K Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell / Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90216K Stefan Ahnhem / The Ninth Grave (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90215K Bruce Fogle / Dog Abroad : One Man and His Dog Journey Into the Heart of Europe (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90214K Andrew Motion / Keats - A Biography (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Details sku: X90213K F.W. de Klerk / The Last Trek (Hardback) MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Rugby & Rugby Biography | sku: X90278K Peter Bills / Le Coq: A Journey to the Heart of French Rugby (Hardback) From French rugby's origins in Le Havre, (as an English export in the late nineteenth century) to the Catalan coast, acclaimed rugby writer Peter Bills travels the length and breadth of this vast country visiting not only the big cities but those... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view Germany | sku: X90277K Raphael Honigstein / Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World (Hardback) ‘Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win’ - Gary Lineker13 July 2014, World Cup Final, the last ten minutes of extra time: Germany forward Mario Götze, receiving a floated pass... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90276K Ben Reiter / Astroball: The New Way to Win It All (Hardback) When Sports Illustrated declared on the cover of a June 2014 issue that the Houston Astros would win the World Series in 2017, people thought Ben Reiter, the article's author, was crazy. The Astros were the worst baseball team in half a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90275K George Weinberg, Dianne Rowe / Will Power!: Using Shakespeare's Insights To Transform Your Life (Hardback) Learn to know thyself with one of the most original self-help books in the last few years. Just as Dr. Weinberg has done with his patients for many years, use the wisdom of Shakespeare, considered by some the greatest psychologist who ever lived, to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90274K Richard Mullen, James Munson / The Smell of the Continent (Hardback) "I remember being much amused last year, when landing at Calais," wrote Mrs. Frances Trollope in her 1835 book, Paris and the Parisians , "at the answer made by an old traveler to a novice . . . making his first voyage. 'What a dreadful smell!' said the... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90273K Liane Moriarty / Big Little Lies (Hardback) Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal...A murder . . . a tragic accident . . . or just parents behaving badly?What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.But who did what?Big Little Lies follows three women, each... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90272K Barbara Belford / Oscar Wilde : A Certain Genius (Hardback) In this biography Barbara Belford breaks new ground in the evocation of Oscar Wilde's personal life and in our understanding of the choices he made for his art.Based on extensive study of original sources and animated throughout by historical detail,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90271K Fosco Maraini / Secret Tibet (Hardback) Fosco Maraini looks back at the world he first unfolded nearly 50 years ago in his classic account of the visits he made to Tibet. He brings back to life a world which will never be seen again. In the tradition of Italian travellers from the days of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90270K Kenneth Branagh / Beginning (Hardback) As both star and director of the acclaimed film Henry V, young Branagh has had his career compared to that of Lawrence Olivier. Full of charm, humor, and insight into an actor's craft, Branagh's intriguing autobiography tells of his childhood in Belfast,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90269K Judith Cook, J.B. Priestley / Priestley (Hardback) This is a comprehensive biography of J.B. Priestley which has been written with the co-operation of the Priestley children and, in the 18 months before her death, of his widow, Jacquetta Hawkes. All of our books are second hand, and while... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90268K Christabel Bielenberg / The Road Ahead (Hardback) Christabel Bielenberg, a niece of Lord Northcliffe, married a German lawyer in 1934. She lived through the war as a German citizen, experiencing the horrors of Nazi rule and Allied bombings, and these experiences were related in her memoir, "The Past Is... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90267K Nicholas Ridley / My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years (Hardback) All of our books are second hand, and while you may not get the exact copy shown in the picture, all of our books are in very good condition. Removing stickers from a book may damage it, so we refrain from doing so. If you see a... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90266K Frank Brady / Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness (Hardback) Endgame is acclaimed biographer Frank Brady’s decades-in-the-making tracing of the meteoric ascent—and confounding descent —of enigmatic genius Bobby Fischer. Only Brady, who met Fischer when the prodigy was only 10 and shared... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90265K John Barrowman, Carole E. Barrowman / Anything Goes (Hardback) From his Glaswegian childhood and American adolescence to his starring role in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, this memoir traces the life and career of actor John Barrowman. John made a name for himself with remarkable... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90264K John Cornwell / A Thief in the Night : The death of Pope John Paul I (Hardback) An inquiry into the death of Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope", the investigation uncovering lies, half-truths and neglect within the Catholic church. The author has written two novels, and his last book "Earth to Earth" won the Crime Writer's... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90261K Bernard-Henri Lévy / American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Hardback) What does it mean to be an American, and what can America be today? To answer these questions, celebrated philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy spent a year traveling throughout the country in the footsteps of another great Frenchman,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view IRISH LITERATURE | sku: X90260K Benedict Kiely / Nothing Happens in Carmincross (Hardback) Originally published 1985 At the height of the Troubles, Mervyn returns from America to his native Ulster, only to find the specter of bombs and political murder hanging over his idyllic Carmincross. This is the timely reissue of Benedict Kiely's novel... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90259K Samuel Homola / Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Hardback) While chiropractic can provide quality treatment for certain types of back and neck pains and related problems, many health-industry professionals and patients are under the impression that the practice can be used as a method for restoring and... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90258K Conor Cruise O'Brien / Passion and Cunning : And Other Essays (Hardback) Conor Cruise O'Brien's brilliant and hugely controversial 1965 essay on the political convictions of W. B. Yeats is the title-piece for this superb 1988 collection of pieces on politics, religion, nationalism and terrorism.'O'Brien is a man of strong... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90256K Judith L. Sensibar / Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography (Hardback) This book is about the making of the writer William Faulkner. It is the first to inquire into the three most important women in his life—his black and white mothers, Caroline Barr and Maud Falkner, and the childhood friend who became his wife,... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90255K Edward Enfield, Harry Enfield / Downhill All the Way (Hardback) On retiring, Edward Enfield decided to tour France on his trusty Civic bicycle. This book chronicles this eccentric Englishman's tour, offering anyone wishing to follow in his bike tracks some essential do's and dont's. The author is a regular... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90253K Richard Davenport-Hines / Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Hardback) In this book the author examines attitudes to sexuality in Britain with a special emphasis on the prudery, fear and hatred of deviance that underly those attitudes. He describes the self-hatred that often leads to persecution of homosexuals and sufferers... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90251K John Ruskan / Emotional Clearing : A Groundbreaking East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional Happiness (Hardback) Turning Western psychology inside out, this groundbreaking book shows you how to release negative feelings once and for all.After years of teaching his Integrative Processing Therapy technique, John Ruskan explains his revolutionary and highly successful... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90249K Paul Karl Feyerabend, Bert Terpstra / Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being (Hardback) From flea bites to galaxies, from love affairs to shadows, Paul Feyerabend reveled in the sensory and intellectual abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90248K Walter Moers / A Wild Ride Through the Night (Hardback) A fantastical new comic adventure from the author of the international best–seller, The 131/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. In a world between legend and dream, in a time between childhood and adulthood, Walter Moers narrates the exhilarating... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90247K Makoto Fujimura, Philip Yancey / Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering (Hardback) Endo's Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo's as he... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90246K Susan Terkel, Larry Terkel / Small Change Little Things Make a Big Difference -2004 (Hardback) It's the little things in life that make a big difference! Replace a soft drink with water at just one meal-say, lunch. Over the course of a year, you will drink approximately forty gallons more water, avoid consuming up to 50,000 calories, and save... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view
Quick view sku: X90244K Frédéric Gros / A Philosophy of Walking (Hardback) In A Philosophy of Walking, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B - the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble - and reveals what they say about us.Gros draws attention to... MSRP: Now: €4.00 Add to Cart Quick view